Jalousie windows or louvered windows are classic designs that are great for letting fresh air inside homes while providing a great view of the outdoors and blocking the elements. But maintenance and repair are needed especially as the years go by because the opening and closing mechanism can rust or accumulate dirt and grime, which causes jams. If your jalousie windows' crack handles and mechanisms have rusted or broken then reach out to HoloHolo Screens' services for jalousie window maintenance and repair for homes and establishments across Oahu.
Quick Jalousie Window Repair Service in Honolulu, Oahu
Jalousie windows or louvered windows were prevalent in the 1940s and while their retro appeal and functionality makes them timeless, many jalousies tend to be old and have experienced wear and tear. Regular maintenance is required to keep them operational. Jalousie maintenance usually involves the following steps:
Checking the Crack Handle
If this component is degraded or damaged it will need replacement as the handle itself cannot be repaired. These are relatively inexpensive and replacements are easy to find.
Checking the Arm Mechanism
The arm mechanism is probably bent if the window can't open or close smoothly. This can be repaired by unscrewing the screw, removing the bent metal from its place and screwing a new one in.
Checking the Rivet Head
Rivet heads will succumb to wear and tear after years of use. They will have to be drilled out and replaced.
Fixing Window Stops
Does the window looks like it is coming out of place? Then the window stops need fixing. This involves pushing the windows from the outside while it is cranked from the inside. Then the screen should be detached while the window is raised until the stop is visible, which should be returned to its place.
Fixing Rusted Metal Components
If the metal parts of the window have become rusty, sticky and dirty, then oil or lubricant must be applied to them. Spraying lubricant on the dirty spot will make the windows easy to open and close again.

Save yourself the hassle of maintaining jalousie repair by hiring the Jalousie Experts - HoloHolo Screens OAHU 808-374-5433

Our team at Holoholo Screens OAHU is here to help you create the perfect outdoor living space for your Honolulu island home.
We have been serving Oahu Homeowners, Property Managements, and Businesses SINCE 2008 with the top quality mobile screen work using the finest materials. Experience the Number #1 Window & Door Screen Replacement and Custom Patio & Porch Screen Enclosure Company.
Contact us at 808-374-5433 for a Custom Estimate
HoloHolo Screens OAHU is a small business that is family-owned located in Waipahu, Oahu that started in 2008 with the passion to provide HIGH QUALITY CUSTOM PATIO ENCLOSURES, WINDOW & SLIDING DOOR SCREEN REPLACEMENTS, SECURITY DOOR INSTALLATIONS and more.
Holoholo Screens OAHU has been in the business for 25 years offering Custom Made Patio Enclosures throughout the Island of Oahu for Homes, Businesses, Property Managements and Hotels. Every Custom Patio Enclosures are built-on-site.
Enjoy the outdoors year long with HOLOHOLO SCREENS OAHU Custom Patio Enclosures. We also offer Pet Screens for Pet Lovers and Pest Resistant Insect Screens.
Custom Patio Enclosure Company in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.


Our Shop Location :
Mon - Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm
Call us to schedule an estimate: 808-374-5433
We Offer Mobile Service: Service Minimum based on Service Area.
Reach out to HoloHolo Screens OAHU We are Located in Waipahu, Honolulu, Oahu. Offering Custom Patio Enclosures, Security Screen Doors, Screen Window and Door Installations and Replacements.
Oahu's Mobile Window and Door Screen Replacement Professionals, also specializing in Custom Patio Enclosures. Serving Honolulu, Waimānalo, Kailua, Aiea, Pearl City, Waianae, Kaneohe, Haleiwa and surrounding areas in Oahu, Hawaii.

OFFERING YOU THE BEST SCREEN REPLACEMENT SOLUTION for your Windows, Patio Doors, Entry Doors and
Custom Patio Enclosures
Serving all of Oahu Island
